Friday, 13 May 2011

League Results

The Hurricane31The Badger
The Badger13The Hurricane
The Hurricane22Mr Angry
Mr Angry04The Hurricane
The Badger22Lockout
Lockout31The Badger
The Badger22Mr Angry
Mr Angry  The Badger
The Hurricane04Lockout
Lockout  The Hurricane
Mr Angry04Lockout
Lockout31Mr Angry
The Jackal04The Badger
The Badger  The Jackal
Mr Angry31The Jackal
The Jackal  Mr Angry
The Jackal04The Hurricane
The Hurricane  The Jackal
Lockout40The Jackal
The Jackal  Lockout

League Table and Breaks

2The Hurricane641189
3The Badger6123-24
4Mr Angry6123-84
5The Jackal4004-140
18Mr Angry
14The Hurricane
The Badger
9The Jackal
6The Badger
3The Hurricane
1Mr Angry
0The Jackal

The Hurricane Blows Away Mr Angry

A crowd of one witnessed this match of two hours and fifteen minutes. The Hurricane was too strong and won 4-0. The first frame was slow with neither player finding a rhythym. It was summed up when Mr Angry did 'A Badger' - he played the green when he should have gone for the yellow when the game got to the colours. Mr Angry hung on grimly but suffered a devastating blow when The Hurricane performed another 'Badger' - a fluked doubled black to take the frame . 1-0.  The second frame saw the lowest scoring possible , as both players refused to pot two balls consecutively, as a sign of respect for Terry Griffiths. The frame dribbled on until The Hurricane, playing slightly better, won on the blue. 2-0. Only 49 points in total were scored in the frame. The third fame was almost another replica with The Hurricane just outscoring Mr Angry up to the colours and being 19 ahead with just 18 left on the table. But Mr Angry, knowing Lockout was paying him a £1 to get at least a point, would not give in. He got the snooker required but The Hurricane sunk a great pink to clinch the match 3-0. The last frame was an exhibition by The Hurricane of how to destroy your opponent. 4-0. A great result for The Jackal.

Frame scores

The Hurricane 4 vs 0 Mr Angry . 45(7) - 32(5), 31(7) - 18(6), 41(8) - 27(4), 53(14,13) - 14(2)

Post match comments :

The Hurricane - Lockout don't go out in the dark, I am right behind you.

M Angry - If I lose to The Jackal on Monday I will chop off my bridge hand and never play snooker again.

Lockout Stuffs The Badger

After a long Easter break both players looked rusty. The match of two and a half hours (including dinner) in front of a crowd of one saw Lockout emerge 3-1 victor. The first frame was slow but whereas Lockout offered a little , The Badger offered nothing. Despite a few Badger specials near the end Lockout easily moved to 1-0.  At this point the players went for dinner. Sausage, eggs, beans and chips. The Badger showed great speed here and cleared the table in 3 minutes ! The second frame was as the first with The Badger still in hibernation. Lockout moved through the gears to leave The Badger in his wake and it was 2-0. It looked over and in the third frame Lockout went into the colours in a great position. But finally The Badger stirred and potted the last 5 balls in 2 visits , winning with a doubled black. At this point Lockout went for a long, long toilet break. Whatever he did in there, it worked. He demolished The Badger in the final frame. Badger's only accurate shot was to knock his cup of tea clean off the side table with the extended spider. Onwards for Lockout, Backwards for The Badger.

Frame scores :

Lockout 3 vs 1 The Badger 57(13,10) - 33(4), 60(10) - 34(7), 43(9) - 50(10,13) , 58(7) - 5(4)

Post match comments

Lockout - Over to you Hurricane

The Badger - I'll take third.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Upcoming matches

Thursday 12th - Lockout vs The Badger
Friday 13th - Mr Angry vs The Hurricane
Monday 16th - Mr Angry vs The Jackal

The Hurricane is Brewing

In a hastily arranged practice match against the Local Boy , The Hurricane went shot for shot against his practice partner and claimed a 3-3 draw. Both players potted well with The Hurricane showing confidence with several 4 and 5 ball breaks. Local Boy said ' I scored a 40 and 22 in one frame but it wasn't enough. Since his rehab The Hurricane looks more focussed and can pot with the best of them. He is obviously the clear favourite for the title'.